Tuesday 17 November 2015

A Trip in the Digestive System!

On Tuesday 17th November Year 4 went to The Science Museum. They looked inside a body with a special camera that linked up to a screen where they could see inside of the digestive system. The camera was swallowed by a man called Carlos. Along with this, Year 4 also met a lady called Imogen who taught them about chemical reactions and how the body works. She also told them about how burps come out and said, “We’re going to play a little game called ‘The Burp Factor’!”  You play it by picking 3 volunteers and you can only win by having the longest and loudest burp.  Imogen also got a ‘flour-shower’ and put flour on the top of it and then got a blowtorch and put it at the bottom of the ‘flower-shower’. The fire made the flour blow into a massive flame. Imogen brought a bowl that had a label on it that said ‘mouth’. She also brought some food that the Year 4’s had to mash together in the bowl labelled ‘mouth’. It smelt so bad.

The Year 4’s had a ton of fun.  One of them even said that they wanted to go back again! What a great learning experience for Year 4!

What a stink!

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