Friday, 16 May 2014

New Staff Additions!

After Mrs McCabe has moved and Miss O’ Sullivan’s maternity leave, Avonmore have new staff again! The new reception teacher, Miss McCarthy, is very impressed with the student’s behaviour so far. I asked her what her first impressions from the first week were, and she said that the children are very happy and the staff are very friendly (the new deputy head, Miss Graham, agreed!). Next, I asked Miss McCarthy what she was looking forward to while she was teaching here, and she said that it would be learning with the children. Miss Graham added that she liked it when the children said ‘Good Morning’ to her and that it was great how hard everyone was working in the first week back (The Year 1 students accidentally called her Miss Crayon!). She was looking forward to meeting more students and parents. Also, she is having her first governors’ meeting! Avonmore has enjoyed welcoming Miss McCarthy and Miss Graham.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Geography week!

In the last week before half term all the classes did Geography week. Geography week is when each class was given a country to study to make a presentation. My class was given the country Mexico.  We studied and we discovered a lot of great things about Mexico.  We visited a Mexican restaurant called Wahaca. We also made guacamole.  The ingredients are: avocado, salt, tomatoes (optional), lemon juice and coriander.  We sold dream catchers. And the best of all is that we had fun learning! What a fantastic week!       
Writing Chinese characters
Making Chinese food

Visiting The Real Greek 

School library redecoration

All through the half term builders have been in, working on our school library. Whatever is behind the door is a mystery at the moment as the windows are covered with paper (which really adds to the excitement!).  All the children are excited about this new redecoration and can’t wait to find out what it will look like. The library should be finished by next week!

Optional SATs

This week every class have been working hard for SATs coming up. All of the teachers and children are feeling the pressure. Students have been advised to practice and study so they can get the best grades they can. Good luck everyone for next week !


Mrs McCabe has been working for a very long time at Avonmore Primary School, but alas everyone has to leave and this is her time. Before she left, I managed to give her a quick interview. I asked her what her favourite memories were. She said, “There was good and bad times. The good times were when my Year 2 class in 2010 (also known as us in 2010) sang ‘Look for the Silver Lining’ in the sharing assembly. And when we had tea time with the parents. Those were very memorable moments.” After when I asked her on her bad moments she said, “The bad moment was when Mr Hale was in New Zealand and Mrs Mathews and I were in charge. At lunchtime the fire alarm went off. I was panicking so much because I didn’t know what to do. It was funny and scary!” Later I asked her if she will miss Avonmore Primary School. She said “Yes I will. I have made lots of friends and they will be missed.” Finally, I asked her if she will come back soon. She replied, “I will be back to only visit. Alas, I will not be back to work.” After 9 years of work Mrs McCabe will have to leave and we will all miss her. Goodbye, Mrs McCabe!