Friday, 28 February 2014

Spring Has Sprung

The first signs of spring (definitely not the cold weather) have started blooming! The bulbs that were planted in winter have finally started budding into a flourishing, floral frenzy of flowers! The springtime rain has also started falling and there are certainly sunnier days! Let’s hope the sun comes out this season!

Friday, 14 February 2014

A soggy year so far

In 2014 the sun is very rare to find with all the moody weather in the way. Beacause of this, there has been many wet plays and not many children outside! Year 6 has to take care of all the children. Hopefully, they are all doing their jobs well! Here’s hoping optimistically that next week won’t be as rainy as it is half term and us children will have the chance to go and play outside!

Our Blog

Looking back, Avonmore Primary School has been blogging for over 3 years! We have posted 75 blogs during 2013, which holds the record on our blog for the most posts in one year! (You can count them if you don’t believe us!) If you think that is a lot, we have posted 205 blogs, this being our 206th post! With over 11,600 page views, it appears our words and information are being read often! 

The Year of the Horse! Happy Chinese New Year!

On the Tuesday 4th February year 1 went to China Town! I interviewed two children and they had a blast! They said that they left Avonmore at 9:15 and they came back at 12:30. They went to Chinatown via the tube. They brought crisps, noodles, biscuits and dried fruit with the money each group received. Their group had £20 whilst the others had £10 because a parent contributed an extra £10! Lucky them! They also saw live lobsters which they were quite excited by. They also said that this year is the year of the horse! They were born in the year of the Pig and Rat. Well, in this year of the horse year 1 had a neigh of a time!

The Chinese Table

Friday, 7 February 2014

Safer Internet Day 2014

Avonmore Primary School is supporting Safer Internet Day 2014. Safer Internet Day 2014 is on Tuesday 11th February 2014. We all play a role in helping to create a safer and better internet. Here are some tips on how to be safe using the internet: never use your real name in a chat room, never meet up with someone you have met over the internet and don’t tell anyone your password for websites or email accounts.


A New Student in School?

Pencil Power!
Year 6 now have another teacher to worry about! Just kidding! The new teacher is a student, so that means he’s a teacher-student! His name is Mr James and he will be with us until Easter. When I had the opportunity to interview him, he seemed to look forward to answering my questions. Firstly, I asked why he wanted to be a teacher, and he answered: “Mostly because I like working with children, but also they serve chocolate cakes in the staff room during lunch breaks!” (That’s something the teachers never tell us).  I then wanted to know what his favourite subject to teach was. “Well, science because we do so many fun experiments and investigations,” was his reply. Lastly, I asked if he enjoyed teaching at Avonmore, and he said, “Yes, Year 6 is fantastic and this school is very friendly.” Mr James is a funny teacher and we are having fun being taught by him.