Thursday 17 January 2013

The Best Toy Department in the World?

We went up to the 4th floor where the toy department was and it was huge! There were so many toys and they were all very expensive. Included in the department were toys like Steiff bears and huge dollhouses. The doll houses were round £1000! We saw enormous Lego like dragons and stuff. We played with a remote control car that will never get stuck or put upside down because it has the capability to turn itself upright whichever direction it’s in. There was a whole section filled with games and books. I saw an X box Kinect and some of us played bowling on it. There was even a whole room with the latest books. As we continued to walk through the department we saw a Lego Harrods man and he looked really cool!


  1. That does not sound like a mornings work!!! The fudge was a good bribe though :)

  2. I think I need one of those remote control cars for my office. I can send messages to Mrs Wilson (nee, Collis) on it.
