Thursday 29 September 2011

Head dissapointed by incomplete playground!!!!!!!!!!!

On the 21st September, I interviewed Mr. Hale, our head teacher, about the new playground.
Q: Are you disappointed that the playground didn't get finish on time?
A: I am very disappointed but pleased that it's finished now.
Q: How long do you think it will take to finish?
A: It was supposed to finish on the 30thof August.
Q: How much money did you use for the whole playground change?
A: £60,000.
Q: How many times has the school playground been changed since you started here?
A: For the last 16 years probably 5 or 6 times but the change that just happened now is the biggest that has happened.
Q: Do you think the newest built playground is better than any playgrounds built for our school?A: Yes, I think it's a great improvement and I am glad that the top playground children have something to climb on.
Q: When was the last time you changed the playground?
A: The last change was building the brick wall in 2005.
Q: Do you think it would be better if you used the money for something else other than the playground?
A: No, I think it was the best thing to spend the money on at this time.
Q: If you had the money (which you probably have) would you change the playground every year?
A: No, because it costs a lot of money to make changes every year, though we might make small changes but not big ones.

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