Thursday 22 April 2010

Year 5's trip to Chelsea Physic Garden

In year 5 we went to the Chelsea Physic Garden.We went on the tube to get there and walked the rest. We went into this classroom and the man told us things to do with plants. We then did some drawing in a booklet which had a chart. And then we went outside. We went in two different groups- one group went to put stuff on their sticky card and fill in the chart in their booklet and the other group learned about flowers somewhere else with a man, then we switched over.We had lunch outside and ran around for a bit. After we did that, we went back to the classroom and did some printing on clay with what we found outside. We went back outside to do some planting. Some people planted linseed, sweetcorn, peas and flowers. We then went back to the train and that was the end of our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Year 5s,

    we're students from Room 5, Mangaroa School in Wellington New Zealand. Mr Hale sent us some neat letters from some of your students.

    We now have our own blogspot, Check it out sometime and write a comment!

    Talk soon,

    Room 5
