Friday, 18 December 2015

Happy Hotter Holidays!

It seems like it was only yesterday that we started the autumn term. Now, it’s coming to an eventful end. Time to pack up our stuff and head out of that small, squeaky gate to freedom! Yes, you heard right. It’s the autumn term end! Meaning all you lovely students can head home, snuggle up to your sofa and watch Christmas movies! Although it’s quite mild, make sure you wrap up warm while you are outside. No one likes a cold (especially me)!
Also, remember that students come back to school on Tuesday 5th January so there’s no excuse for not coming to school! Have a happy new year!
Who said glasses can't celebrate Christmas?

Adios Miss Cotten and Miss Clement

It’s really hard saying good bye to our favourite teachers Miss Cotten and Miss Clement. They are amazing and we’re remembering all the things they’ve done for us. It’s hard finding replacements for all the things they’ve done. Miss Cotten also taught English, Spanish and French, as well as Computing! And Miss Clement taught people new to England English, about plants and religion.
Both Miss Cotten and Miss Clement would like to thank everyone for all the good wishes that children and families have given them and they will miss the Avonmore community greatly. They would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Can you guess whose glasses are whose?

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Lovely Local Area

On Monday 1st December year 5 went around the local area with Emily to look at the different types of rocks. Emily works with different schools and goes to different places like the market or the park. We went through the local area to find buildings that have been built with different types of rocks like granite, slate, marble or chalk. We went to see Pizza Hut and Kensington High Street to observe what rock they used, what kind of texture it was and what rock was it. Pizza Hut was limestone and it was very mouldy and rough and Kensington High Street was granite: it was very polished. Now, whenever I look at buildings I will always know what type of rock it’s made from!  

Miss West's Brush With Fame!

Miss West, who popped out for lunch one afternoon, was in 7th heaven when she stumbled across one of her favourite bands-Busted! According to one staff member, who was with her at the time, Miss West became very shy, which is unlike her! When close to the band she was awestruck and unusually mute! The band were on Hammersmith Road doing promotional videos for their new album and concert tour.  Miss West describes her experience as "exhilarating and exciting!" Such amazing times to be had at Avonmore!

A new female singer for Busted? 

A Wonderful Christmas Fair

On Friday 4th December we had our annual Christmas fair. Every class helped by making something to sell on the day. Year 6 made popcorn, Year 5 made Christmas cards, Year 4 made biscuits, Year 3 also made biscuits, Year 2 made baubles , Year 1 made reindeer lollies, Reception made Christmas cards and Nursery made some biscuits as well.
It all went splendidly! We raised £1000. AMAZING! We had multiple activities such as: Santa’s grotto, class stalls, a raffle, pin the nose on Rudolph, a ‘Stay on the reindeer’ ride, a choir (In which was incredible) and lots more. Lots of thanks to the friends of Avonmore, all the teachers and everyone who came.

Skating Pandemonium!

On Tuesday 1st December KS2 all went on a fun trip to the Westfield Ice Skating trip! Everyone was having a really fun time. Year 3 and 4’s session was at 9 to 10 while Year 5 and 6’s was from 11 to 12. Some parents came to see their children ice skating. There were penguins to hold on to and some seals to push while your friends sit down on it (not real ones!). Everyone had such a fun time!

What a fun occasion!

At one with the ice!

The Princess and the Panto

Recently, Year 6 (not in a magical pumpkin) travelled to the Lyric Theatre to watch a pantotastic panto, Cinderella. We were paying a lot of attention to main acting roles since Year 6 are starting a performance of their own: A Christmas Carol Pantomime. At one point, Buttons, one of the characters, started throwing sweets out at the audience. Yummy! Now, Year 6 have a fantabulous head start to their performance and have got to watch an amazing show!

A Big Preparation For a Big Play!

Great news! The Year 6s have been undergoing major preparations for their big play next week. They’ll be acting out the well-known play, ‘A Christmas Carol’ or as some call it, Scrooge. Although, we can’t make this play happen without your help!

 The Year 6s are in need of some clothing to make their play more magical and Victorian Britain. They need the following: Flat caps for the boys, hats for the girls, braces (suspenders), a top hat for Scrooge, waistcoats and blazers. If you can spare some of these items, please speak to Miss Betsworth. We need these items A.S.A.P and would be very thankful if you can donate/lend them.