Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Wonderful World Food Day

On Friday it was World Food Day which is “a day of action against hunger” according to the World Food Day website.  Some people donated canned food all across the world to help some people in Africa and Asia mostly. In honour of the day, year 2 made pizzas in the staffroom. I got a chance to talk to some of the year 2 students about their experience making their pizzas. They said it was fun and, according to one student, the sauce tasted watery like soup. They all enjoyed it a lot!  Every year we have a focus for World Food Day and this year it was farming.

Yummy pizzas!

Super Science Trip!

Recently year 5 went on an amazingly fantastic science trip! It was on the 2nd of October that Year 5 went on this fun trip to the science museum! They took the bus to Royal Albert Hall and from there walked to the museum. At first they admired the space gallery and then went to the interesting live show of an astronaut named Eugene Cernan. He was the last person on the moon and the man who stayed on the moon the longest. He told us a very interesting fact: it would take 1 second to get from the science museum back to school if we were in a rocket. That’s faster than a jet!
Super Space!

Fantastic drums!

On Tuesday 13th October we had an African drumming workshop because October is Black History Month. The drum we played was called the Djembe drum: it was super loud! We did a special dance where we held shakers and moved our bodies side to side. This dance was really energetic and upbeat. Everybody liked this! We had to play different beats at different times. It was drumtastic! It was really loud but we really enjoyed it! It was a cool event.

Boys vs girls dance off!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Autumn Attacks!

Recently, the bloggers have taken a stroll around Avonmore’s gardens and spotted a few seasonal changes. One of those changes happened to be naughty squirrels stealing our spring bulbs which are currently being planted. The bulbs will lay dormant in the winter and begin to grow when the soil temperature increases in the spring time, but unfortunately for our gardeners, they make delicious snacks for hungry winter squirrels!  Which leaves (did anyone hear the drum?) us to our next point about hungry creatures. Have you noticed any spiders, which have become rather fat lately? Spiders are spinning large webs in order to catch prey so they can have an autumnal feast before they hibernate for the winter.  Wow! All of these changes are exciting! Keep your eyes out for any of these or other autumn sights!
At Avonmore, do the leaves really fall into the shapes of As?

A spider, post dinner.

Planting bulbs...keep away squirrels!

Rustly leaves falling softly.