Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Planting Seeds

One sunny morning in Avonmore year 2 were planting seeds.  Miss Krarishma was giving us plant pots to put seeds inside.  We planted marigolds that you can’t eat, however, we can eat the rest of the plants.  The other plants are runner beans, radishes and peas.  We were sent out in groups of 7.  Next we put the seeds in the plant pot because we wanted to see when they would finally grow.  Then we started to water the plants and we had to be careful because if we put too much water in the plant pots the plants would drown.  Finally, we put the plant pots in the shade and we had to be careful because if they had too much shade they will not grow and will die.

Year 2's plant pots. 
Working together on a post. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Magically Marvellous Music Week

Starting on the 27th of March and ending on the 2nd of April we had a magical music week. We had the junkman, named Sal, play music using rubbish and  we even had a role in the music concert. So, the week started out when kids could bring their instruments to do a hint of busking in the playground. The children sounded fun-tabulous like profession musicians! Then we got to have Samba drum lessons: they were great. Then, we had the best music concert which was brilliant!
I am the Junkman, what can I play? What can you play? The Junk!

Our future Beethovens!

Busking in the playground.

The Big Plant Out!

Welcome to the summer term (well a late welcome…)! As it has become warmer, the flowers and plants are almost fully grown. So Miss Clement has asked all the families that go to Avonmore to bring in a beautiful flower to plant (no cut flowers, plants or seeds!).  Anyone who goes to Avonmore can bring in a flower to make our wonderful school look even prettier and vibrant than it already is. So get hunting for the perfect plant for The Big Plant Out!

Let's get planting! 


The entire year for the year 6s has been leading up to these exams (which we’re half way through!) and for me I think I’m doing pretty good so far but to anyone who’s having trouble, may I suggest to just keep persevering and try your best.  I mean, at the end of the day, what else can you do.  The only other piece of advice I can give is try not to stress.  I didn’t think this advice would help but trust me it really does. I wish you all very good luck.