Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Twas the week before Christmas

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the school
Not a maths book was stirring, not even Earl's tools
For two weeks in December Mr. Hale says “Stay away!”
For he hopes everyone has a safe holiday.

Merry Christmas everyone! 

Avonmore library’s singing angels

On the 16th of December at 2:30, year 5 will be visiting Avonmore Library to sing Christmas carols for the visiting community. They will sing Silent Night, Let it Snow, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells. They hope all the people will enjoy their sweet singing.

I'm dreaming of a white performance in Avonmore

KS1 and KS2 are having a white performance and to stop the confusion, this blog is here to help you. All the dates and times that you need are here so you can’t miss this one!
KS1’s Nativity performance: Tuesday 16th at 14:00pm (2:00pm) and Wednesday 17th at 9:20am
KS2’s White performance: Wednesday 17th at 18:00pm (6:00pm) and Thursday 18th at 9:20am

And remember all children who are going to sing in the KS2 performances must arrive at school no earlier than 5:45pm and no later than 6:00pm. Don’t be late!

Lights! Camera! Action!

The Christmas tree

Earlier this month Avonmore’s Christmas tree arrived.  To decorate it each class made a decoration.  This year’s theme was white.  In year 6, students made snowflakes and year 5 made pom poms.  I think the Christmas tree is very well decorated and looking festive!
The best tree ever

A Little Local Stroll

On the 19th of November, year 5 had a stroll around Avonmore’s local area to investigate what kind of transport would create the least pollution. We started by observing the traffic on Hammersmith Road. We were curious about how many cars there were. We discovered cars were the most popular means of transport at that time. We all thought about how much pollution the cars were making. For instance, if all of us came by car, we will create more pollution than if we all took the same bus. The most environmentally friendly way to come to school is to walk because it creates no pollution. I certainly wish people try to think carefully about how they come to school. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Does Avonmore have a religion?

This is a question we explored. If it did, what would it be like? What would be its values and pillars? We began questioning this after one of the blogs a student wrote wondered what it would be like if Avonmore had a religion. The bloggers brainstormed and discussed this. Here we present ‘The Six Towers of the Avonmorisable Religion’:

1.     You have to be polite at all times.
2.     You need to work hard and do the most amount of learning possible.
3.     You always have to persevere in everything you do.
4.     You must try to attend school every day – every day counts.
5.     You have to be honest and not tell lies otherwise no-one will believe you.
6.     You must always help your peers if they are in need.

What do you think of the Avonmore ‘Towers’? 
Can you think of another important value for Avonmore?