Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The War Memorial Museum

On the 14th of November, year 6 went to the War Memorial Museum.  There was lots of war artefacts and it was quite fun and I personally liked the trip. We saw an Allpress family tribute. Most of the Allpress boys went to the war, however, none of them died because of the war.  In fact, Harry (one of the boys) is still alive. The father of the Allpress family did not have to go to war because his job was so important: he was a railway driver. That was an important job because he was the person in charge of getting things in and out of the country. It was an amazing day out, despite the pouring rain, as I learned how limited hot water was during the war. In bathtubs there were red lines to show the maximum amount of hot water that was allowed. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Since last week classes has been making poppies to remember all the people that died in the war and are in wars now.  The year 6s helped younger classes make their poppies. We have put our poppies all around the playground and in the foyer. We had our two minute silence in the playground today. It touched us all. We took this time to remember all of those who fought for us and to reflect on how lucky we are to live our lives with such freedom.  Also, in the foyer we made a memorial to commemorate those who served in World War I, 100 years ago. 
Our memorial in the foyer. 

The Avonmore poppy field. 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Making tiles!

During RE week, years 1 to 6 were decorating their own tiles about their religion or something special to them such as family, friends, toys or even their national flag (if they don’t have a religion or they can’t write about something special to them). We used a special type of tile paint to decorate the tiles. But we weren’t allowed to mix the paint because it has chemicals in it that isn't meant for mixing. When we finished them we will hang them around the school like a mural. 
Terrific tiles!


This week year 6 have been selling poppies and poppy merchandise for charity.  We have been doing this to commemorate the past wars and people in wars now. I don’t know how much we’ve made but I’m sure it’ll be a lot.  So everyone please buy something because it’s going to a good cause.
Wearing  a poppy helps to remember the soldiers who have died. 

Houses of Parliament

Such a great experience!

On Monday 3rd of November, year 6 went to the Houses of Parliament. We went there as we are studying law and how you need to behave in public. We also visited the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Main Lobby. We very much enjoyed the trip!

RE fun

From the 29th September to the 3rd October we had a wonderfully good RE week. Everyone went on a trip to various places of worship, from a beautiful Islam Mosque to a Sikh Gurdwara. All these places of worship were amazing. Some classes invented their own religions. Imagine an Avonmorisable religion, funny! It was a sad ending when the week finished but we learned a lot.
A Buddhist temple in Wimbledon.