Friday, 28 March 2014

A Happy Mothers' Day for All!

This Sunday is Mothering Sunday, and most students at Avonmore are busy making cards to show their respect for their mothers and family. This weekend is supposed to welcome nice weather, so, hopefully, the festivities will be made even brighter!

Friday, 14 March 2014

6 Little Guests...

The girls striking a pose

The front cover of the cow story
Avonmore has recently received an addition to the school! Waiting in the Nursery shed are 6 cows! (They are inflatable toys; real cows would be way too noisy!) Daisy, Hershey Cookies And Cream, the twins Jessica and Betsy, Baby Bueno and Ermintude all have their own personalities and have embarked on some amoozing adventures around the building - they were fast, you had to make sure you didn’t blink or they’d be pasteurized! (Past-your-eyes. Get it?) They are a fun addition to our school and are quite at home near our astro turf in the early years’ area. These cows were the inspiration for an udderly amoosing story I wrote. We will now start writing columns from the dotty family’s pint of view.  

Melody in the air

Today the Avonmore Primary School choir performed in the school hall in front of the children and parents. They sang ‘Amazing Grace’, ‘Consider Yourself’ and ‘Sing’. When the choir performed ‘Amazing Grace’ some people started to cry because it sounded so beautiful, but they did a great job and didn’t look nervous at all! Well done, choir!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Happy World Book Day!

Yesterday was World Book Day! To celebrate, Avonmore School decided to have a dress up day, dressing up as our favourite story characters. It was wonderful watching the parade go by! There were so many excellent costumes and everyone had lots of fun wearing and seeing them.

What do a Christmas tree and a fence post have in common?

Well, in the case of Avonmore, a lot! Thanks so much for everyone sharing their ideas on what to do with this year’s Christmas tree. We have decided to make it a post for the missing gap in our nursery playground fence. We have cut off all the branches and now we just have to paint!!  

Cutting the branches off the tree

Cutting off some more branches

A space for a certain Christmas tree

Tree, say goodbye to the last of your branches

Your new home

Getting settled in