Monday, 17 December 2012
Harrods Before the Holidays!
Hello! This is Miss Cotten here. I thought I would post something this afternoon about an exciting trip that took place this morning. Some students got the opportunity to visit one of the most iconic landmarks in London-Harrods Department Store! The students went to view the Christmas window displays that the store is famous for. Once the students return from their holidays in January, there will be much more published about this event. But, here's a sneak peak for now!
Friday, 14 December 2012
Year 3 Time to Number Fit!
I interviewed a year 3 student about his participation in Number Fit.
Abhinav: What is Number Fit?
Faris: Number Fit is P.E mixed with Maths.
Abhinav: Do you feel fit when you’re doing Number Fit?
Faris: Yeah, you burn a lot of calories!
Abhinav: Is it fun?
Faris: Yes, the most fun thing is musical cones.
Abhinav: What are musical cones?
Faris: Musical cones are musical chairs + exercise
Abhinav: What do you learn?
Faris: We learn times table and new maths words e.g. product, addition, etc.
So, it sounds like the year 3 class really enjoyed learning about maths in an unique and physical way!
Year 5’s Sharing Assembly on Pyjama Day!!
On 30th of November, Year 5 had a sharing assembly but it was different from the others because it was on PYJAMA DAY! At the start of the assembly year 5 showed the order of the 9 planets which orbit the sun. A great way to remember the names of planets by saying My (Mercury)- Very(Venus), Energetic(Earth), Mother(Mars), Just(Jupiter), Served(Saturn), Us(Uranus), Nine(Neptune), Pizzas(Pluto). Interestingly, Pluto is considered to be a dwarf planet meaning that it is too small or not spherical enough to be considered a planet. Also, in the assembly we acted out an interview with Ellen MacArthur which we made into a comedy sort of way. After that I performed a classical Indian dance called Kathak. People said it was superb!
Christmas Decorations
Last Tuesday we had a Christmas tree decorating assembly. Everybody in the school made a decoration and wrote a wish on it. There were 3 students from each class that shared their wishes in the assembly and then placed it on to the tree. All of the decorations were either purple or white because our senior administrator officer (a.k.a. receptionist) is getting married and those are her favourite colours!
KS1 Winter Concert
Key stage 1 is putting on a performance this Christmas on the 18th of December- The Little Blue Star! Two year 2 students are sharing with me how they feel and what they’ve been doing during the past few weeks to prepare for the big event. The performance features seven songs and a play about a sad little blue star. One of the children said, “I am very excited and nervous because I am going to play the blue star,” and the second one said, “I am very nervous because I am gonna have to sing in a loud and clear voice!” Key stage 1 have been rehearsing a lot and I’m very sure they are going to sound just perfect!
Friday, 7 December 2012
Oral Health Day
On Wednesday 10th October it was Oral Health Day!!
Oral Health Day is a day where we learned that it’s really important to look after your teeth for the benefit of your health! Of course, you should be doing this every day and not just on Oral Health Day! This day reminded us to brush our teeth a lot more. Everybody got a free toothbrush and toothpaste. There were two different types of toothbrushes and everyone thought the Spiderman one was the coolest! And, the next day could have been called Avonmore Fresh Breath Day!
Friday, 30 November 2012
Presidental Election
At the beginning of November, there was an important event-the US Presidential election which saw Barak Obama re-elected for his second term in office. There was a great deal of media attention for this US election and it made me wonder about the differences and similarities between the American and British political systems. In the UK there is a prime minister, whereas in the USA, there is a president. In the USA, the candidate can be president for eight years maximum, however, in the UK the time limit is not as rigid. The elected prime minister can call an election whenever they like but cannot surpass a 5 year time period. The name of the prime minister is David Cameron. In the UK there are three main political parties: Liberal, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat, whereas in the USA, there are two main political parties: Democrats and Republicans. So, despite both countries’ historical ties, their political systems are different: the UK has a constitutional monarchy whilst the USA is a constitutional republic.
Waste Watch-Waste less. Live more
On Wednesday 17th October somebody named Shirley came in and talked about reduce, reuse, recycle or you could say the triple Rs. Shirley had a puppet named Pierre and she acted as if she was humorous French chef. She taught us what we should do with leftovers, like putting them in the fridge and not wasting them because that means wasting money. She also taught us about composting with the help of her friend Herman the worm. Herman, the puppet, told us that when you put compost in the compost bin the worms eat it and they make soil in which you can plant more plants! All and all, Waste Watch was funny and informational.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Internet safety Ceases Trouble
In ICT, Year 5 has been learning about how to keep safe on the internet. We have designed our own internet safety posters and comics in partners on the laptops. We used the Marvel Comics website to use backgrounds, choose items or characters and make them say things about internet safety. To make the posters, we used wordle- a website that allows you to type words (we used internet safety words) and it will randomly put them all over the paper. You can edit the colour and font, and once you’ve finished, you print it out as a poster. The best posters and comics were put onto the display and they all look fabulous!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Junior Citizen
On Thursday 4th October, year 6 went to Junior Citizens. We learned various things about drugs, public transportation, fires, robbers, not taking things from strangers and putting your seat belt on. It was amazing!!! My personal 2 favourites were the robbery and the drugs. In the robbery, which was a role play, a woman called Tracy pretended to be a robber and grabbed us and asked for our money and phones. We got quite scared even though we knew it was fake.
When we were learning about drugs, and while a guy called Kieran was talking about that a lady came in and gave me a package. I had no idea what was in it. To be honest, I thought it was a sandwich but I guess I was wrong. I know this because a policeman came in and opened the package and it turns out that there was cocaine (sugar) in the bag and he pretended to be really mad with me, but that was also a role-play.
The last thing that we did was seatbelt safety where we learned the importance of wearing a seatbelt in a car. There was a machine with a seat at the end of it and I was chosen to go sit in the seat. At this stage, I didn’t know what to expect! They told me that it would slide to the other side of the track and push me forward with the force that a car in a crash would have. It was so scary but it was really exciting at the same time!
Year 5’s Trip to the Science Museum
Year 5 has just been on a fun and educational trip to the Science Museum! We went there to learn about space. Everyone’s favourite bit was when we watched the landing of the moon at the IMAX cinema in 3D. It was very realistic and the fun things were the bubbles, smoke and the bit when water squirted from the back of the seats and onto our faces to simulate us landing in the sea. We then experienced how hard it is to pick things up with astronauts’ space gloves, saw what astronauts eat in space and how they use bathroom utilities in space. I think that everyone enjoyed this trip and I am starting to think about becoming an astronaut myself when I grow up!
Friday, 12 October 2012
Autumn changes
The autumn changes have begun and the leaves are falling off trees and the colours of the leaves are changing. Animals and insects are getting ready to hibernate and many people are starting to wear jackets. The weather is changing all the time. It is cold most of the time and people are beginning to have colds. I got sick myself for a few days but am happy to be back!
Year 5 Meets the Lifebus
On Tuesday 2nd October Year 5 went to the lifebus! The topic on the lifebus was you and you’re Friends.
We met a woman whose name was Nancy. She was basically the tour guide who taught us all about us and our friends. We also met Tam who, believe it or not, we could see her heart, her lungs, small intestine, and large intestine and so on. But sorry that you had to hear but Tam was plastic! Nancy made us make a feeling diamond where we put the most important feeling at the top and the least important at the bottom. So basically some of the top ones were be proud for what I done and feel my feelings. These are not all of them but these are quite a few. We saw a video where there was two 10 years olds, Sam and Sami. Sami used all of his allowance helping everyone in his neighbourhood so he can get a really cool bike. Sam wanted to ride it but Sami didn’t want anyone to ride it but he wanted to stay friends. He tried being aggressive but that didn’t work. He tried being nice but that didn’t work and he tried being considerate and it worked! After, we met Harold the Giraffe and came back to class. Overall, it was educational and fun!
Friday, 5 October 2012
Harvest Time at Avonmore
The harvest time spirit has come to Avonmore and the whole school is celebrating! We have had a big assembly today. Children from all classes are in a big competition to bring in the most food (all food that doesn’t need putting in the refrigerator, doesn’t go mouldy and doesn’t go off that is) for the Pepper Pot Day Centre, to give to the elderly. But, I bet the kids are more interested in the prize- 20 mins extra playtime! We also have our own harvest produce grown in our garden! Harvest has been a lot of fun and we enjoyed it so much!
Friday, 28 September 2012
Welcome back
The summer months have now concluded and September is here! Throughout the summer holiday some people travelled far across the globe! Some destinations included America, France, Brazil, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Afghanistan. Myself, I went to America and Corsica!!! The start of the new academic year of 2012-13 means that we’re back at school already and working hard. And with the New Year comes some different rules. We have a stricter school uniform, and we look smarter because of that. All of the children have moved up a year. This year I’ve moved up to year 6 so I will have to work extra hard because of the SATS. I’m enjoying the New Year so far and I love the big classroom! It’s amazing looking back at all of the years that I’ve been in, and once this year has passed I will be very sad to leave this wonderful school.
The London 2012 Olympic Games
The Olympic Games were in London from 27 July-12 Aug. First was the opening ceremony which lasted more than 2 hours but it was worth it! It was so beautiful, very well acted and the entrance of the queen was awesome! And, there was even SKYDIVING FROM A HELICOPTER! Supposedly the queen did this (wink wink). After an eventful and thrilling 2 weeks the final medal count was as follows:
1st USA with 104 medals Gold 46 Silver Bronze 29
2nd China with 88 medals Gold 38 Silver 27 Bronze 23
3rd GBR with 65 medals Gold 29 Silver 17 Bronze 19
Hosting the 2012 Olympic games and Paralympics was extraordinary and fun to watch. It was certainly a once in a lifetime event!
Friday, 21 September 2012
Year 5 has got a new teacher! Her name is Miss Jewers and
she’s new to Avonmore! She’s very friendly but (like most teachers) there is a
point where kids drive her mad and then she’s strict again... never mind that!
She smiles almost ALL the time, speaks clearly, is very easy to understand and
is great at reading stories (especially the class book, There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom.) She
always is on the lookout, watching kids chatting and showing bad behaviour. She is the perfect Year 5 teacher
and we all hope she will stay that way!
The year 6 football match
On Friday 14th September the year 6’s went to
Hurlingham Park to play a football match against Sir John Lily. Their football
skills were excellent compared to ours. Our defenders were good so the opposing
team only scored 1 goal against us! However, when the subs went on the opponent
scored seven goals! So, we lost 8-0. It
was tragic! We had tried really hard. Next time, we will try better!
Friday, 13 July 2012
Happy and Glorious
As you may know the school year is almost over and as a
present to the Year 6’s Avonmore are having a concert. This year there will be
no acting only singing. All classes will sing one class specific song and a
whole school song except Year 6 who will perform two class songs. It’s a new
start for many children at Avonmore with the biggest change occurring for the Year
6 students who will be going to their secondary schools after summer break. It’s
also a big change for the rest of the year groups as their uniform will change
to a more formal uniform starting in September; however I am sure everybody’s
excited for the two and a half month holiday.
Year 6's Leavers Party
It is coming near the end of another memorable year at Avonmore. For the Year 6 pupils it’s not just the end of the year: it is the end of an era. Today they are having their leavers’ party to mark the end of Avonmore for them. The party is happening today at 3:30pm and ends at 5:30pm.The theme was voted for a few weeks ago by the class and the theme that got the most votes was Prom. It has been organised completely by the parents. They are coming today at 2:00pm to set up the decorations, food and drinks. Parents, teachers and siblings are welcome to come. At the party we will be getting our leavers’ book which is very exciting! But that’s not all! We will be given our reports with our S.A.Ts results. Not surprisingly, most people are very nervous about this. But hopefully this won’t affect the party too much and everyone will still have a good time!
Friday, 6 July 2012
Year 4’s trip to the Town Hall
On the 3rd
of July 2012 Year 4 went to the Town Hall to perform playing their flutes. We went
from West Kensington to Hammersmith by walking. It took about 15 minutes to get
there. When we arrived we went inside the hall and sat down. We were sitting
there for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes we were doing a music workshop and it
was really fun! We were told to make weird sounds with our mouths and the
organisers explained that even though they just sounded like unusual noises
they were, in fact, a part of music. When it was our turn to perform our song ‘When
the Saints’ we were all very, very nervous. It was really cool, though, because
it was our first time performing in front of such a large audience in a town
hall! At 3 o’clock we left. Mr Groves said we were all really brave so he
bought us toffee sweets. They were so delicious. We were all chatting on the
way back. When we were back we were all exhausted but was all really fun!
Summer Fair
On Saturday 30th of June we had a summer fair at
Avonmore and in Marcus Garvey Park. It
was a hot summery day. There was lots of fun stuff to do like bouncy castles,
sumo wrestling, tug of war, high striker, sponge throwing and target practice.
They had music, candy floss, Zumba, Martial Arts and face painting. We had to
use tokens to go on some rides. I think it was really fun and I won a couple of
sweets. My favourite thing was the bouncy castle because I could do flips and
it was really fun. It started at 11:30 and it finished at 3:30. All of the teachers
had to help clean up all of the mess. We all had a really good time and
hopefully we can do the same thing next year.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Avonmore defeat Heamore
On Friday the 15th June Avonmore and Heamore went to Hyde Park for a picnic and a football
match. Heamore were the first to score but Avonmore weren’t defeated Ahmed equalised then scored again to
give Avonmore the lead. Then Arian scored to give Avonmore a 2 goal lead.
Avonmore looked like they weren’t going to lose and then Idris came in the
last minute to thrash Heamore with a 3 goal lead. Year 6 shocked Mr Hale.
Ravenscourt Park Sports Day
Ravenscourt Park Sports day
On Tuesday
the 19th June Year 6 went to Ravenscourt Park to take part in a
sports day with John Betts Primary School. It was not school against school. We
were separated in to eight groups, a mix of each school. This was so we could
get to know people who might be going to our secondary schools. Everyone took
part in the activities twice so they got a chance to earn more points. The
activities included: the shuttle run, the bench organization, the puzzle race
and the hoop race. The shuttle run was the most tiring because you had to run
back and forth as fast as you can. I thought the hoop race was the most
challenging because you had to use tactics and strategies in a small amount of time.
The first three teams that ended up with the most points got bronze, silver,
and gold certificates. My team got a bronze certificate. All in all it was a
very tiring day and we were all aching a bit afterwards, but it was a really
fun day!
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Library Redecoration
In March
Miss Cotten visited Dublin, Google’s headquarters. She was amazed by the unique
style of Google. Inside, there was not an office with dull chairs and tables
but instead they had a bright and welcoming place to work. It was like a play
area. There were slides and rooms with different themes for the workers to
enjoy and to look forward to when going to work. This inspired Miss Cotten to
recreate our school library. We have decided to give it a theme and a unique
style of a beach. At first, we thought this might distract the students but
then we realised that this area would give their imaginations a boost and free
space to work in. Instead of having boring work desks we thought about having
surfboards as tables and to make our old chairs look like deck chairs. We even
thought about having the computer backgrounds as a fish swimming in the sea to
make it blend in with the theme. From the floor to the ceiling there will be a
beach theme. On the floor, there will be carpet that will appear to be sand and
water. On the ceiling, we will even have clouds that appear to be lights. If you’re
feeling glum and it’s a rainy day you could always pull down the blinds to
discover a sudden change of weather- from rainy to sunny! We are looking
forward to the change that will happen next year!
Friday, 22 June 2012
Olympic torch comes to visit Avonmore
Today at Avonmore School the students have been allowed to
wear sportswear as the Olympics are coming to London. The day started off with
an assembly. We watched the Olympic relay live on BBC. We were so lucky that Mr.
Hale (our head teacher) presented us with an authentic torch that had once been
lit and run with. It’s been carried by 8000 runners for 1 mile each over 70
days. Over 8000 miles have been covered.
The torch is 80 cm tall. It has been carried underwater around the Great
Barrier Reef and has travelled on a gondola in Venice, a dragon boat in China
and in a canoe in Canada. Until the 1950’s only men could carry the torch. We
are so lucky to have a chance to experience what it’s like to hold it!
Jubilee Week!
On 31st
May, Avonmore had a street party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. It
was a whole school event! Miss Quirk was the teacher who organised the event
and she also came up with an amazing idea-each class to present a dance from each
of the decades the Queen has reigned. This is the order to the dances: Reception
and Nursery -1950s; Year1- 2010; Year 2- 1960; Year 3 -1980; Year 4 -2000; Year
5 -1990; and, Year 6 -1970.
practised really hard for the dance as parents, teachers and children were
going to watch them. I was in one of the groups and, believe me when I say, my
group was NERVOUS! I think everyone felt the same way. However, it all turned
out amazingly. All the dances were great and, by the looks on their faces, you
could see that the students were determined but at the same time quite anxious.
Year 4’s music had a technical problem but it worked out great in the end. Overall
everyone had an amazing time!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Street Party!
On 31st of March (our last day of term) Avonmore had a street party to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. We set up tables all around the top playground for the pupils to eat at. We had lots of finger food like: cucumber sandwiches, cakes and sushi plus much, much more! It was supposed to rain that day but we were very lucky with the weather: it was bright and sunny so lots of people showed up. For the entertainment each class performed a dance from a different era.
After that we had the difficult job of putting all the tables back into the classrooms and all the chairs back in the hall. Everyone left feeling pleased, and full, because the party had been a great achievement.
Summer fair poster
Avonmore Primary School is preparing for the upcoming summer fair which is on the 30th of June 2012. To advertise the summer fair Mr Hale, Avonmore’s head teacher, asked a group of 5 children and Miss Cotten to prepare a poster. When creating the poster, we encountered several difficulties such as when printing, white spaces kept appearing on the sides. But all has been resolved and it is now finished! The children and teacher have done an amazing job at depicting a summer themed poster!
Our trip to the floating classroom
On 11th May, year 4 travelled on the tube to Paddington to visit the floating classroom. It was a long journey to get there. When we arrived the first activity we did was bird spotting. We had a sheet of paper to tick off the type of birds we saw. We stood by a lake surrounded by trees. It was an amazing experience! We saw a coot (a type of duck) making a nest. The coot had three baby eggs and one of them had hatched. After that, we ate lunch on the boat. Overall, it was a great day!
Friday, 4 May 2012
Year 5’s trip to Tower of London
On Monday 26th of March Year 5 went to the Tower of London. We got onto a train at West Kensington station. We exited at Tower Hill and walked for a while. We went into one of the towers. First, we went into a dungeon which was really dirty, next we went into a small room where they left prisoners for years. Next, we entered into a small place where there was an enormous crossbow and a very heavy hat. Next, we went to see the Crown Jewels. After we had lunch then we went to see the ravens. People said that if the ravens left the Tower of London the tower would fall. Next we went into the white tower and there was lots of armour everywhere and we had to spot the biggest armour and, trust me, it was big! After, we went into the bloody tower and we went into the torturing room. One of the methods they used was to tie your feet and hands and they start to pull you apart. Then we went into a room where we saw a man playing a recorder. We listened to him and then finally we came back to school. What a day!
Friday, 20 April 2012
Avonmore's Songwriting Challenge
On the 19th and 20th of April, Avonmore took part in a songwriting challenge called Song Academy. Anyone from key stage 2 could take part either individually or in a group. It involved writing a completely original song (tune and lyrics) and being able to record it then send it off to the judges. All the entries recorded their song in the library with Miss Cotten. The top prizes include: a keyboard, V.I.P tickets to the X factor finals, meeting the finalist at a secret gig, recording your own song in a London recording studio and your own song writing equipment! Some people were very nervous about signing up and recording it. The less nervous groups performed in assembly today as well to show the school what they have written. The competition is tough but everyone is looking forward to see if anyone from our school has won!
Friday, 9 March 2012
Avonmore’s Birdwatch

On Friday, the 28th January, Year 6 took part in the Great British Bird Watch with Miss Clement, Avonmore’s environment teacher. We had a sheet to tick off how many of a sort of bird we saw. The pigeons weren’t included because they’re feral. The Bird Watch was created to stop the extinction of birds. Avonmore are proud that they have frequent bird visits and the birds feel comfortable and happy to visit our location.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Clear skies at night.
If it is nearly a full moon in the southern hemisphere is it nearly a full moon in London?
Monday, 27 February 2012
Hello from New Zealand
Hi There,
Hope all is good, it is nearly assembly time there, but down and around here it is just after 11pm and summer time. If you are in Year 5 and 6 you will all be able to explain why!!!
I will try and post a few blogs while I am here, but I reckon yours will be more interesting.
Hope all is good, it is nearly assembly time there, but down and around here it is just after 11pm and summer time. If you are in Year 5 and 6 you will all be able to explain why!!!
I will try and post a few blogs while I am here, but I reckon yours will be more interesting.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Avonmore’s Bird Watch
On Friday, the 28th January, Year 6 took part in the Great British Bird Watch with Miss Clement, Avonmore’s environment teacher. We had a sheet to tick off how many of a sort of bird we saw. The pigeons weren’t included because they’re feral. The Bird Watch was created to stop the extinction of birds. Avonmore are proud that they have frequent bird visits and the birds feel comfortable and happy to visit our location.
Avonmore's Epidemic!

Avonmore has been struck down by a viral epidemic. Since Friday 3rd, February, the attendance has plummeted down dramatically! On Wednesday, 98 of 229 pupils were off school record. Apparently, it has been the worst Avonmore has seen in 30 years! Wednesday didn’t just have the most absent pupils- 11 of the staff were off as well! That is roughly 2/3 of the staff and 98 is almost 43% of the pupils. The symptoms are
• Runny nose
• Sore throat
• Sore chest
• Head ache
• Fever
• Being exhausted
All the teachers who haven’t had the bug thoroughly urge all the pupils to cough into their elbows, sneeze into a tissue, wash their hands frequently and blow their noses as advised by Ms Collis.
Personal Best
On the 2nd of February visitors came to perform ‘Personal Best’ for KS2. It was an amazing performance telling us to keep a healthy diet and do the right amount of exercise. The people performing were from Quantum Theatre. Unfortunately, only KS2 got to watch the performance so KS1 was left out. Children loved the performance and wanted to ask a question each but they had to leave and, according to their website, they are quite famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What it was about
It was about this girl, Charlie, who had a fit and friendly friend and sports day was coming up so their head teacher said they had to eat healthily for the week and called it ‘Healthy week’! Charlie’s mum didn’t know about it and gave Charlie 3 chocolate bars to eat, 1 for eating while going to school, another 1 for lunch and the last one for eating while coming back from school. Charlie tried explaining to her mum about ‘Healthy week’ but I guess she misunderstood because it was time for school!!!!! She started running but got tired almost instantly! I guess that was how UNFIT she was. Anyway that was only the beginning because it carried on for an hour and a half.
What it was about
It was about this girl, Charlie, who had a fit and friendly friend and sports day was coming up so their head teacher said they had to eat healthily for the week and called it ‘Healthy week’! Charlie’s mum didn’t know about it and gave Charlie 3 chocolate bars to eat, 1 for eating while going to school, another 1 for lunch and the last one for eating while coming back from school. Charlie tried explaining to her mum about ‘Healthy week’ but I guess she misunderstood because it was time for school!!!!! She started running but got tired almost instantly! I guess that was how UNFIT she was. Anyway that was only the beginning because it carried on for an hour and a half.

Let it snow, let it snow!
This morning, Avomore’s playground woke up to a blanket of snow. It’s snowing and it’s pouring! Everybody couldn’t wait to go outside and play in the snow today! Everything was covered in white snow. It is way better than last week because last week there was ice and it wasn’t soft but now it is as soft as a pillow. We made many attempts at making snowmen last week but, unfortunately, the snow wasn’t soft enough but today, 10th February, it is wonderful!
Friday, 3 February 2012
De Driscoll rap
In year 5 we learned about Benjamin Zephaniah, who is a British Jamaican Rastafarian writer and dub poet. He has written poems for kids, adults and teenagers. He has written books mostly about where he comes from, which is Birmingham, and about himself. He is very honest and uses different words about different people so in some of his poems he makes up words and he says ‘don’t do this, don’t that’. He uses strong and honest words in his writing
Dat teacher safe
She’s working
She’s shouting
Dashes round here
With a grin pon her face
She screams out
Gallops round
Mekin smirks
She's SAFE
Dis teacher hard
She’s vile
Respect Driscoll
She steps hard
When she pas thru
Children in their Desks
Get teached so much
We jus call her
Dat teacher safe
She’s working
She’s shouting
Dashes round here
With a grin pon her face
She screams out
Gallops round
Mekin smirks
She's SAFE
Dis teacher hard
She’s vile
Respect Driscoll
She steps hard
When she pas thru
Children in their Desks
Get teached so much
We jus call her
Friday, 27 January 2012
De Cotten Collis
Dat woman hilarious,
She’s gifted,
Cums round here,
Wida glint in her eyes.
Loves bling!!!!!!!
Beams around,
She’s shopaholic
Spreading love all round
Dat girl spends money
Incredibly Intelligent
She’s ICE-Bound.
Purple =Fav colour
She’s a cheese eating mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hangs Cooking !!!!!!!!!!!!
She’s Marvellous
Rules the world with
Robby Williams!
Raps with Jay-Z
Reads 3 Books a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People in the school luv them so much them just call them
The Best!!!!!!!
Dat woman hilarious,
She’s gifted,
Cums round here,
Wida glint in her eyes.
Loves bling!!!!!!!
Beams around,
She’s shopaholic
Spreading love all round
Dat girl spends money
Incredibly Intelligent
She’s ICE-Bound.
Purple =Fav colour
She’s a cheese eating mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hangs Cooking !!!!!!!!!!!!
She’s Marvellous
Rules the world with
Robby Williams!
Raps with Jay-Z
Reads 3 Books a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People in the school luv them so much them just call them
The Best!!!!!!!
Our New Safety Buzzer
After the Christmas holidays the staff and pupils returned to a new addition to the front door of Avonmore School! Already the adults have problems remembering to always press the button before going out.
How it works:
Basically an adult inside the school has to open the door and the children can’t. The teachers thought it was much safer to have a buzzer at the front door so children get out without permission.
We have taken a video of Vanessa, our school’s receptionist, speaking about the buzzer.
We also asked three parents about the safety buzzer. Here is a summary of what they said:
What do you think about our new safety buzzer?
1. Good
2. Amazing
3. Fantastic because it is high up
Do you think your child is safer at school?
1. Definitely
2. I don’t really know
3. Yeah it’s a good idea
Do you think that the school made a good choice putting the buzzer there?
1. Yeah
2. Really good choice
3. Good idea
How it works:
Basically an adult inside the school has to open the door and the children can’t. The teachers thought it was much safer to have a buzzer at the front door so children get out without permission.
We have taken a video of Vanessa, our school’s receptionist, speaking about the buzzer.
We also asked three parents about the safety buzzer. Here is a summary of what they said:
What do you think about our new safety buzzer?
1. Good
2. Amazing
3. Fantastic because it is high up
Do you think your child is safer at school?
1. Definitely
2. I don’t really know
3. Yeah it’s a good idea
Do you think that the school made a good choice putting the buzzer there?
1. Yeah
2. Really good choice
3. Good idea
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Avonmore Christmas Production
The Christmas production (Goldilocks and the 3 Witches) is over now and it was a huge success! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it including the cast. It was even more hilarious performing it when everything came together, like the acting and audience reactions, than was expected. The characters and their costumes were a big part of the atmosphere of the play and really added to the laughs (especially the ugly stepsisters!)
It was a really fun and amazing experience that the Year 6 pupils will carry on with them to secondary school! I think it was a really unique play that not just the year 6s will have fond memories of but the whole school too. It’s such a shame that each class only gets to do one acting production. The play was a great contribution to the last few days of a wonderful year at Avonmore!
It was a really fun and amazing experience that the Year 6 pupils will carry on with them to secondary school! I think it was a really unique play that not just the year 6s will have fond memories of but the whole school too. It’s such a shame that each class only gets to do one acting production. The play was a great contribution to the last few days of a wonderful year at Avonmore!
Last Day of 2011
On the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, we had a disco with our professional DJ: DJ Cotten! It was fantastic! All the curtains were closed and there was a real disco ball! The KS1 had one in the morning and KS2 had one in the afternoon. Everyone said they had a BLAST!! The songs were a very good choice and none of the children were upset.
KS1’s disco
In the morning they danced and danced with their friends jumping up and down enjoying the music. Their dancing was great! They were doing all kinds of dancing (street dancing, hip hop and conga.) After all the dancing they were up for a surprise: Santa Claus was coming to wish them a very Merry Christmas and give them special presents! The children couldn’t keep in their excitement when they heard that Santa Claus was coming to give them presents.Everyone had a great time and the children left with a smile on their faces.
KS2’s disco
In the afternoon the KS2 had a disco: we absolutely had an amazing time. There was a game of pegs when some people had pegs and had to peg someone without getting caught. Everybody loved it! The music choices were great. A major event happened when a horrible song came on. It was.........’Baby’ by Justin Bieber. Everyone jeered and covered their ears. It was a fantastic end to the last day of 2011 at Avonmore!
KS1’s disco
In the morning they danced and danced with their friends jumping up and down enjoying the music. Their dancing was great! They were doing all kinds of dancing (street dancing, hip hop and conga.) After all the dancing they were up for a surprise: Santa Claus was coming to wish them a very Merry Christmas and give them special presents! The children couldn’t keep in their excitement when they heard that Santa Claus was coming to give them presents.Everyone had a great time and the children left with a smile on their faces.
KS2’s disco
In the afternoon the KS2 had a disco: we absolutely had an amazing time. There was a game of pegs when some people had pegs and had to peg someone without getting caught. Everybody loved it! The music choices were great. A major event happened when a horrible song came on. It was.........’Baby’ by Justin Bieber. Everyone jeered and covered their ears. It was a fantastic end to the last day of 2011 at Avonmore!
Welcome to 2012
Everybody is back from their Christmas holiday and into 2012. Some students and staff have made New Year’s resolutions. My resolution is to eat less sweets so I would be healthier and the dentist would like me more (because I will have less cavities!). Some other people have chosen to be nicer to their brother or sister. Miss Driscoll’s resolution is to not eat too much rubbish, whilst Miss Cotten’s is to exercise more. People in other countries celebrate New Year’s on different days. In Turkey, they celebrate on the same day but at a different time, whereas in China, they celebrate in February. Some countries celebrate in different ways and eat different food.
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