Every day from 12:30 to 13:30 children from year 6 look after the office whilst all the teachers have lunch. We answer calls, open doors for only staff at Avonmore and our own parents. While we are office prefects we can do homework, chat to our partners, draw , make things out of paper or make up games to play. We love doing this job and we love being responsible!
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Shakespeare's play

Last week we watched a play called Shakespearience and it was really good! The first act was Romeo and Juliet, then it was The Merchant of Venice, and lastly, it was Macbeth. There was also a band called the Percelts who were very musically talented! My favourite part was the Merchant of Venice because my favourite line was when Shylock said, “I want a pound of your flesh nearest the heart.” But the lawyer replied, “You should not shred a drop of blood,” which is impossible. They were really good at acting and they had great costumes. The performance was brilliant: we learned so much!
Thursday, 20 January 2011
On the 20th of January there was a group called Wasted who came to visit our school. They told us about how people can give you drugs even if they don’t look like they do. Another year six class from Sacred Heart Primay came to watch, too. They peformed a play about how you should never take drugs even if your friends do it. They chose two different people to be one of the characters and to try to change the situation which was very funny because the chosen students were laughing a lot of the time. The peformance was brilliant!! And, it was educational!
KS2 Carol Concert
On Wednesday 5th December, there was the KS2 concert. Year 6 had been preparing for the concert all week. They had been singing in the hall, classroom and in front of an audience. The students had to arrive at 17:35 to change into their outfits. We were all dressed as Christmas carolers. Everybody was excited. We walked into the hall and all the parents were looking at us which made me feel nervous. The time came for us to sing. There was a band of people playing lots of instruments. We nailed the concert. The concert was a success!
On Wednesday 5th December, there was the KS2 concert. Year 6 had been preparing for the concert all week. They had been singing in the hall, classroom and in front of an audience. The students had to arrive at 17:35 to change into their outfits. We were all dressed as Christmas carolers. Everybody was excited. We walked into the hall and all the parents were looking at us which made me feel nervous. The time came for us to sing. There was a band of people playing lots of instruments. We nailed the concert. The concert was a success!
Thursday, 13 January 2011

Santa came to Avonmore!
Before the Christmas break, the KS1 students had a very special guest from the North Pole! It was Santa Claus! He arrived in a red suit and carried a sack full of presents. Each of the students happily received a present! Even the staff were happy to see hi m. However, the staff didn’t receive any presents unfortunately!
Before the Christmas break, the KS1 students had a very special guest from the North Pole! It was Santa Claus! He arrived in a red suit and carried a sack full of presents. Each of the students happily received a present! Even the staff were happy to see hi m. However, the staff didn’t receive any presents unfortunately!
Our little Mozarts

In year 6, our music teacher chose 15 year 6 students to participate in recorder lessons. We play Yamaha recorders which cost five pounds each to purchase. Starting last term, Thursday mornings at 9:00 to 9:30 in the school hall, we learn new notes each lesson and then play a new piece of music. We have been going for a few weeks from now. I have learned a great deal about recorder music and am looking forward to the remainder of the sessions!
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